"Avoid Narodni like the plague" and "tragedy waiting to happen" are just some of the comments of Health and Safety officials we interviewed today regarding the Narodni Palace development by Hinton situated between Narodni Divadlo and Narodni Tesco.
A lacklustre and confusing set up in only results in pedestrians, a lot of them tourists and foreigners, walking in the road with flowing traffic and being subject to heavy equipment overflying the safe zone from above. ( See video above).
Hinton's the project developers are probably within the letter of the law, but a rather obvious question to ask them here is can more be done by them to help pedestrians prevent serious injury? Hinton's have been contacted and we are awaiting their input.
Your options coming from Narodni Divadlo are to turn back or walk in the road ! Hence, the seemingly intuitive rationale to take the risk with the traffic. After an hour of watching by our reporter, this is exactly what everyone does, and surely the developers must also be aware of that.
Coming from the Narodni Trida Tesco there is a well worn crossing option (above) which almost everybody ignores.
Coming from Narodni Divadlo results in this confusing and badly maintained set up.
Reporter CJ JAck Sparrow at Prague Times
Nice work Captain Jack. newsDESK Robby